What do Past Families Have to Say about our ABA services? Hear directly from them!

Past clients of Behavioral Outreach Services, LLC were told that we are collecting family stories (i.e. testimonials) to share on our website and other media locations in order to truly inform families about what it is like to receive ABA services from our company. They were told that if they would like their story to be shared with other families considering ABA, to send us their testimonial and signed release of information form, and we would potentially share their story with others. Afterall, wouldn’t a family considering our services want to hear it directly from people that have already gone through this process? Of course they would!

Now, our past clients were asked if they would like to submit testimonials which means those testimonials were “solicited,” because we asked them. Any testimonials that were “unsolicited” were provided by the client and their caregivers without being asked to do so (such as written in a thank you card, etc.). Per Behavior Analyst Certification Board Code of Ethics, testimonials from past clients will be marked as to whether they were solicited or unsolicited. No one has been compensated financially, or otherwise, for testimonials.
*Please note that individual results will vary.

“When my child, Ty, was diagnosed with Autism, this is something I, nor any parent, wants to hear. I felt as if God had let me down and placed more on Ty than he could bear. I went through all the phases of grief: anger, disappointment, sorrow, loss, etc. Ty was then referred for ABA because of his lack of communicating and non-compliance with requests. I had no idea what ABA would entail although I worked with BCBAs through my job. Needless to say, I could not have been more pleased with how ABA worked for our family. Sure, it is work and homework assignments. Yet, in the end, it all paid off for my son. Ty learned to communicate most of his wants and some of his needs using a communication device (AAC). We were able to get him to complete tasks at hand, which is something other therapists working with him and our family struggled with. We were able to get Ty to sit in a chair to self-calm in a safe area without throwing tantrums or being disruptive. ABA definitely worked for Ty, our family, and those providing other services for him. I would encourage anyone, especially parents of children with disabilities who may be experiencing difficulties, to give ABA a try!” (solicited)

“It was a constant battle from the time we woke up until we went to bed. Before starting ABA with Shiloh Beene, I could not take my grandson anywhere. He is Autistic and would have meltdowns and tantrums at home and in public. It took a while, but Shiloh gave me the skills and tools needed. Now, we rarely have meltdowns and are able to be appropriate in public. This has made our quality of life a thousand times better. Shiloh is the best thing that ever happened to us 😊.” (solicited)

“When my son Marshal was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, we felt so overwhelmed. We were not in a great place. I found myself in tears nearly every day and filled with so much dread and anxiety. I didn’t know how to help my son. Shiloh helped me understand his behaviors and the reasons behind them. She taught me how to teach him to handle himself when he was starting to get overwhelmed. Shiloh showed me how to manage these behaviors as they came up each week, breaking down the underlying issues. She not only gave us the tools to handle meltdowns, overstimulation, eating, etc., but she gave me the confidence that I needed. We went from having multiple meltdowns a day to none at all, even through Christmas. Marshal now has the ability and independence to recognize when he needs a break, and stopping potential meltdowns before they start. He has grown so much! The biggest transformation has been in myself. I went from being a non-confrontational mother (because it seems easier) and anxious all the time, to a calm and ready parent. I highly recommend Shiloh Beene. If you put in the work, you will see results.” (solicited)

“At the age of two our son was diagnosed with Autism. When Logan turned 4, he started showing a variety of behaviors that were concerning to us. He wouldn’t let us go anywhere, he wasn’t interested in using the potty, he would freak out being in an elevator and he was not able to communicate verbally. These are some of the things we were dealing with. We mentioned this to his Occupational Therapist and he suggested Logan may need behavioral therapy. He suggested Shiloh Beene. When we first meet Shiloh she was very straight forward and organized. She did not overwhelm us at all. She took her time explaining to us what we needed to do at home. Shiloh recognized he needed a communication device so he can express his wants and needs. She helped us navigate what can be a confusing process with the insurance company to get a communication device evaluation done by an SLP.  Once Logan received his device, Shiloh properly educated us on exactly how to teach Logan to use it. She also helped our son overcome his social anxiety in various public places. Following her guidance, I am happy to say our boy can pretty much go anywhere now, enjoys riding in elevators, uses his communication device without problems, and is now potty trained. He has even started talking at times! Having Shiloh as a therapist was the best choice we have ever made. West Tennessee is blessed to have such a professional and knowledgeable Behavioral Therapist!  I highly recommend Shiloh if you or a family member is struggling with Autism.” (solicited)